"A good education can change anyone but a good teacher can change everything."
Teachers are the torch bearers of a society. When they render their services with dedication in the making of a nation, it is certain that the younger generation would become better human being.
The above lines truly define the life of Founder Director of Prerna Group of Education Late Mrs. Prabha Dubey Ma’am. She herself was a teacher, who had the passion to teach; loved the students like her own children; did something more than only teaching in classroom and who used to provide academic and emotional support to the students. After 2 years of teaching it was her dream to start her own school so as to to facilitate the quality education in the lowest possible budget to every deserving student. So, in 1995 she laid the foundation of a school with 40 students and gradually in 25 successful years Prerna Group of Education has became a renowned name in the field of Education presently nurturing about 2500 students.
Her untimely demise on 16th April 2020, left hundreds of people in grief. Many teachers teach, but a few can influence their students positively. She was very different as she took teaching as vocation not as a means of earning livelihood. She set examples, framed our mindset and showed us how to be considerate to others, how to stand by the needy students, how to support them. She always showered her love not only towards students but also towards the staff and all coworkers and treated them as a part of her family .
Great soul do not die because they leave a mark with their way and vision on people who keep looking up to them as inspiration.