Opening time:Monday - Saturday: 08 AM - 04 PM

Find us:66/15, Near Mamta Hospital
Ram Rahim Colony, Rau

General School Rules - Prerna Public School
  • Be punctual, report to school and class on time. School begins at 7.25 the morning shift and 12.10 PM in the noon shift.
  • The student will come to school in proper uniform, hair cut ,shoes ,nails cut, complete set of books and copies .
  • Strive to be present on every school day. In case of absence, parents should call the school in the morning of the absence and notify the teacher in writing upon the student's return to school.
  • Respect each other at all times. Disagreements will be settled by discussing the problem and seeking a solution that is fair to all concerned.
  • Buildings and the campus will be kept clean and neat. Do not deface or damage school property. Students who vandalize the school property will make restitution.
  • Maintain order when moving to different areas (staircase, Washroom, Corridor getting down and boarding the bus). Do not run; running is a frequent cause of injuries.
  • The following are not allowed in school unless prior permission is granted by the school staff:
    • Radios, Cell Phones.
    • Valuables, extra money, computer games.
    • fireworks, matches
    • weapons or expensive toys
    • chewing gum
  • Remain within school boundaries at all times. Students leaving the campus must have a gate Pass and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Leaving campus without the permission of the class teacher or the principal is an offence and is strictly prohibited.
  • Avoid using abusive or profane language and gestures.
  • Do not climb gates, railings, fences, and the school buildings.
  • Respect the property rights of others.
  • Leave the premises immediately after school duties/responsibilities are completed.
  • Buying/selling of personal items and trading are not allowed.
  • There will be no emergency holidays except the scheduled ones.
  • The parents must not allow their ward to take too much leave from the school
  • Any such act which is against the smooth functioning of the school is a crime. Don’t get involved in such act.
  • The parents must be in touch with school/principal/class teacher to know about the progress of the child.
  • In case of any complain or any suggestion, immediately contact the school principal or inform in the school office
  • The parents must attend the PTM regularly and must give its feedback to the teachers regularly.
  • Students who come to school by bus must reach the bus stop 10 min early and must board the bus on time when the school gets over. Any changes in the time table must be discussed with the bus in charge.
  • It is expected from the parents that they must come to meet the teachers, principal according to the scheduled time.
  • In case of any misbehave, disobedient or the violation of rules by the student, he will be given a written notice by the class teacher /principal. Second time the parents will be called and warning will be given and in the third time the student will be terminated from the school without any prior warning to the parents.
  • The student must have all the books and copies in the class.
  • The student will have to make separate C.W copy and H.W copy, and must get it corrected by the class teacher.
  • All the books and copies must be properly covered.
  • All the students must reach the school playground in proper lines of boys and girls.
  • They must not touch any of the sports items without the permission of the sports teacher.
  • The students will have to follow all the instructions of the sports teacher in the playground.
  • The will show the sportsman spirit while playing in the playground.