A Montessori curriculum focuses on key developmental milestones in children between the ages of three and five – years-old. When children are finished with an activity, they place items back into their right places. This sense of order helps to facilitate the learning process, teaches self – discipline, and caters to a young child’s innate need for an orderly environment. Teachers take the lead from the children in the classroom, ensure the ground rules are followed and encourage students to perform tasks at their own pace. Children work at tasks for the joy of the work, rather than the end result, which allows them to focus more on process than result – a natural path to creativity. We always follow 2:30 Teacher student ratio in the classroom.
A Learning Methodology which inspires creativity and encourages sharing and teamwork, the learning is completely child – centered and children naturally learn self – discipline and many other values.
CCTV Surveillance is a dire need of the present time. Therefore the entire premise is kept under the surveillance to monitor the working and performance of the institute. This feature ensures the security of the students and helps institute to produce efficient working in a safe and secured manner.
A well-stacked and well stocked library is at the disposal of students. Different sections are made in which all types of books are available to the student, be it the Reference books, Fiction, Journals, Magazines etc. Students get best possible material to work with and are also given ample opportunities for the same.
Our library is a specific reference area for all the teachers and students which work as a learning resource centre in the widest sense.
The libraries have open bookshelves for easy access. For junior section, Library has a wide variety of colorful books to attract the young readers and satisfy their curiosity. The Senior Library boasts of a wide variety of subject related reference books together with fiction and non-fiction.
The computer lab is well equipped with latest computer hardware and software configurations. Computer education is provided to all the students from first class onwards to generate further interest in computers, so that the students are encouraged to utilize computer labs. Office package and software program has also been installed in each PC.The school is equipped with dedicated broadband internet connection for enterprising students get a chance to be familiar with the internet. They can easily do comprehensive research for their projects and presentations.
A school science laboratory is a place where basic experimental skills are learnt by systematically performing a set of prescribed and suitably designed experiments. Performing experiments by one’s own hands is not only a thrilling experience but is also important because it entails learning by doing. It also facilitates understanding the concepts of science. The experiments and project work suggested at the secondary stage intend to develop basic skills of measurement; handling of some common measuring instruments, equipment and chemicals; setting simple apparatus; handling microscope and preparing slides; making observations; collecting data and presenting it in appropriate format; interpreting and drawing conclusions; and preparation of report.