Our schools must teach such values which enable future citizens to stand before all odds and safeguard the national interest.
Today the most important purpose of education at any lavel is to develop the personality of the individual and significance of his life to himself and to others.
Prerna Public School aims at all round devlopment of the child as well as acquired qualities of its personality.
I wish good luck and success to all in future
Mr. Dinesh Dubey
Mob. :98273-18839
Ambition provides the motivation energy and wiilingness to pursue goals, without it nothing will, be accomplished.
Prerna group of management has its aim to develop the qualities of head, heart and hand in a balanced way student are guided by devoted intellectual mentors.
Growth of the academy can be judged by observing the achievements and academic results of the instituiion.
wish you a vary happy and bright future
Mr: Rajesh Soni
Mob.: 98276-15354