Admission will be guided by the following policies :
- 1. Parents seeking admission Prerna Public School for their ward should carefully read the following before filling up the registration form
- 2. Children must fulfill the minimum age requirement as on 1st June of the year in which admission is sought.
- 3. Nursery- 2 years, KG-I - 3 years, KG-II - 4 years, Class I - 5years & soon.
- 4. Prospectus & registration form will be issued subject to the availability of seats in a particular
- 5. Registration Form provided along with Prospectus, must be completed in all respects before
- 6. The following documents are to be submitted along with registration form (for scholar confirm admission and obtain scholar number :
a). Nursery to Class I
• Two passport size photographs of student.
• Photocopy of Parents and Students Adhar Card
• Photocopy of Student's Bank passbook
• Photocopy of SSSMID of Student
• Self attested photocopy, birth certificate
• Self attested photocopy caste certificate issued by SDO of student/parents (in case of SC /ST/ OBC) students.
b) Class II onwards
• Two passport size photographs of students
• Self attested photocopy of passed mark sheet of previous class
• Self attested photocopy caste certificate issued by SDO of student/parents (in case of SC /ST/OBC)
• Original transfer certificate of previous school in accordance with the class in which admitted.
• In case of previous school is other state board or CBSE, T.C. counter-signed by District Education Officer (D.E.O.) is must.
• In case of submission of failed marksheet /transfer certificate of previous class, will be struck
off from school roll.